Protecting habitat for fish and wildlife
Many of the families we've worked with have spent years enjoying the local wildlife and have invested a lot in improving wildlife habitat on their land. Our projects protect habitat for wildlife both big and small - from small mammals, songbirds and game birds; to deer, elk, moose and bighorn sheep.
Some of our wildlife projects include:
Songbirds & Small Mammals »
Because of the hilly topography, the different types of vegetation, and the old hedgerows, the land provides a variety of habitats for wildlife.
Wetlands »
Following mining in the area, the property will be reclaimed, creating reconstructed wetlands, with a greater area of wetlands created than existed before mining.
Steelhead Trout »
The conservation easement permanently protects the working forest and agricultural character of the land and the wildlife habitat along Big Meadow Creek.
Deer, Elk, Game Birds »
The easement protects the agricultural heritage, the open space and scenic properties of the land, and wildlife habitat on the property.
Trout & Other Wildlife »
This project permanently conserves 10 acres of forestland on the St. Joe River. The highly desirable river frontage property is one of the few remaining places along the St. Joe River between the towns of St. Maries and Avery that hasn't been developed.
Bighorn Sheep »
The Ten Mile Creek Ranch project is a 10-year conservation management plan to protect wildlife on a property along the Snake River in Lewiston.
River Corridor »
The Maple K Forest conservation easement permanently protects over 113 acres of floodplain and upland buffer for the South Fork of the Palouse River upstream of Colfax, Washington.