community stewardship volunteers
We are always looking for volunteers of all ages to join our conservation stewardship community. Due to the nature of our work, volunteer needs vary greatly and it takes all kinds to serve the needs of our community. You might find yourself removing invasive weeds at the Dave Skinner Ecological Preserve, or trail maintenance at Idler’s Rest or Judy’s Trail. Or you might find yourself helping us with a community event downtown. Either way, our work is stronger when we’re together and we need you.
Sign up to join the fun!
it takes a village
Biological surveys
Each time we take on a new conservation project, the site needs to be visited and a survey of the plants and animals present is required. If you have skills in this kind of work and want to spend some time outdoors seeing new land and helping other scientists gather data, this type of volunteer activity is for you. Folks helping with this would accompany a staff member or experienced board member.
Are you handy with a camera? Know your way around video and sound editing? We are hoping to create some great video stories. If you have experience with videography, would enjoy visiting some beautiful lands, and want to talk to some amazing families, this could be the perfect volunteer opportunity for you.
Event Assistants
The Land Trust holds many outreach and educational events throughout the year, many at Idler's Rest Nature Preserve! If you love interacting with community members and kiddos, we welcome your assistance with craft events, guided hikes, educational events, and school field trips. Events where helpers are needed will be posted at the top of this page, and check out full event schedule for activities and programs you would like to help with.
Volunteer Naturalists
Do you have a knack for teaching and knowledge of the natural world? Consider volunteering to lead guided nature hikes (wildflower walks, bird walks, forestry talks, historical tours) at Idler’s Rest or some of our conservation easements. If you have an idea for a great naturalist tour that you want to provide, let us know.
There are a myriad of skills that contribute to a successful land trust and therefore, a stronger community. Let us know what interests you!