Due to wet, cool weather this event, originally scheduled for Sunday, May 19, will now be held on Sunday, June 2. Thanks for understanding!
Insects are among the most abundant animals found in our local ecosystem. Not only do they provide critical ecosystem services, but they are an important connection in food webs. Please join us and our entomologist friend Dr. Rob Clark for an afternoon learning about insect natural history and ecology at Idler’s Rest!
Learn insect collection techniques, identification how-tos, and learn about the fascinating ecology of the insect world. The program will consist of a short (20 minute) presentation followed by collecting and exploring the insect habitat at Idler’s. The lecture and some materials are geared toward adult audiences, but all are welcome to spend some time in the sunshine learning and exploring.
This event is free and open to the public, but donations are welcome and greatly appreciated so we can continue to provide fun and educational programming like this at Idler’s Rest.
Rob Clark is a postdoctoral scientist in the Department of Entomology at WSU. As an insect ecologist, Rob studies the ecological impacts of insect herbivores on food webs. Rob got his start in entomology as a park naturalist for the Connecticut Department of Environmental protection and is a recent arrival to the inland Northwest, where his research currently focuses on aphids, ants, and legume diversity in Palouse agroecosystems.